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This is my first review!

Step into a mesmerizing world of strategic brilliance and relentless challenges with "The Monarch," a game that seamlessly blends captivating 3D voxel-art-style graphics with an immersive day-and-night cycle. As a demo player, in the game, my decisions shape the destiny of an entire kingdom, making every move a crucial aspect of the epic journey against the malevolent queen and her fearsome undead legions.

The visual appeal of the voxel-art-style realm is undeniable, creating a unique and enchanting atmosphere where each day and night brings forth new opportunities and threats. The attention to detail in the environment, from the majestic town center to the weapon-equipped lanes, adds a layer of depth to the gaming experience.

Strategic resource management lies at the heart of the gameplay, where gold serves as the key to survival and prosperity. Balancing the recruitment of units, upgrading structures, and expanding my kingdom's borders becomes a delicate dance, especially as the enemy grows more formidable with each expansion. The adaptive strategies required to face every wave of undead creatures add an exciting layer of challenge, ensuring that every decision I make has a profound impact on the fate of my kingdom.

"The Monarch" introduces the art of lane defense, making the town center the heart of your kingdom. The assignment of weapons to units determines their roles in the defense, whether they are hearty soldiers, long-range archers, supportive priests, or powerful Holy Knights. This dynamic approach to combat ensures a diverse and engaging gameplay experience, requiring players to think strategically about their unit composition.

However, the game's brilliance doesn't stop with combat units. Non-combat units like Farmers, Animals, and Builders play a pivotal role in creating a balanced and thriving economy. Generating gold, erecting structures, and repairing damages are just as crucial as assembling a formidable military force. "The Monarch" masterfully captures the essence of a successful kingdom, where prosperity is achieved through the delicate balance of military strength and economic stability.

As if the challenges weren't formidable enough, every fifth night introduces the Blood Moon, intensifying enemy attacks. This cyclical pattern of heightened difficulty adds a layer of suspense and urgency, creating a dynamic rhythm to the gameplay. The subsequent brief respite after these nights allows players to regroup, rebuild, and strategize for the challenges that lie ahead.

In conclusion, "The Monarch" is a triumph in the realm of strategy and fantasy gaming. Its visually stunning voxel-art style, coupled with the intricacies of strategic resource management and diverse combat scenarios, makes it a must-play for fans of the genre. Immerse yourself in this enchanting world, where wisdom and valor will determine the fate of your kingdom against the relentless forces of darkness. Are you ready for the challenge? The kingdom awaits your command!

My score is 95/100.

Thank you for the great demo; I can't wait for the next version with more content!

Zaur C.


I love it. My favorite style of game! Great graphics and theme. You should definitely give this game a try.

Well done team!


Thanks Murat!


Cute game! I love the small "bosses" that you can run into! Really gets my hopes up!


Thanks :) There will be a lot more in the upcoming release!


Cool ass demo, with a cool ass concept, really promising stuff so far and pretty fun to boot.

Aside from some fundamental gripes (slight performance issues, AI's failure to run from enemies, inability to personally attack raiders, and not being notified of causalities), it's pretty solid for a Defense and management game on all aspects.

A deserved 4.9/5.

Best of luck, Citadel! cheers.


Hey sicave, thanks for the detailed feedback! Aside from the minor bugs, personally attacking evillains is one of the most received feedback :) We're considering to make an adjustment there in the upcoming release, if you wish to keep track don't hesitate to join our discord or follow us on Twitter!


Stunning visuals and seamless gameplay... An incredible gaming experience


Hey thanks EmreGVN!


Sweet visuals and smooth gameplay... Wonderful game!


Thanks ozgurd5!